How I do my bit for the environment and make my business more eco-friendly 

Being a small business, I am very conscious of my environmental impact. So, I am constantly making steps towards being more sustainable. Here are some of the things I am currently implementing.

Recyclable Padded Envelopes 

I like to send some of my orders in padded envelopes. However, they are usually lined with bubblewrap as protective material – which is of course plastic and not recyclable. So, I sought out a more sustainable option.

These eco-mailers are made from recycled paper and are also filled with paper, so they are a great plastic-free alternative that still protects my products during shipping. I also send my smaller items in envelopes made from recycled paper.

Reusing boxes

If I ever receive a parcel myself, I always keep my boxes to reuse for future orders. My friends and family are also kind enough to save me theirs too!

Recyclable packing tape

I realised that there isn’t much point in me using recyclable/recycled boxes and envelopes, if the tape I sealed them with was plastic. Which prompted me to invest in some recyclable packing tape, so that my customers can just put their packaging straight into the recycling bin, without having to tear off and waste the plastic tape. I am also a huge fan of washi tape which is a fun and sustainable way to package the individual items without sacrificing aesthetics!

Biodegradable packets

For my pattern kits, I needed something to separate smaller equipment such as stitch markers and embroidery thread. I really wanted to avoid using plastic. So, I found these compostable/recyclable film bags, which work perfectly!

“Please Recycle Me!”

Another way I encourage my customers to recycle my packaging is by putting it right there on the box with my custom stamp from Mama Makes store.

I also included a picture of my “happy post” stamp too! Here’s a link to the website, if you are interested in custom stamps and other stationary!

Royal Mail

I ship all of my online orders with Royal Mail, who claim to have the “lowest reported carbon emissions per parcel of any major UK delivery company”. To find out more about this, please refer to their sustainability page:

What’s next? Reducing waste!

My latest idea is to reduce my wastage by saving all my yarn scraps to use as stuffing for my figures! 

Something I’d like to explore further – recycled materials

I happened upon some yarn made from recycled plastic and found it very nice to work with. I have also experimented with bamboo yarn too. And I am aiming to explore these options more in the future.

Here’s some I found this weekend, I’m very excited to see James C Brett bring out more yarn like this! And it was very affordable too!
This was also a very affordable option that I found in Aldi, of all places! I have used this for various projects from doll figures to a top I made myself.

I hope this post has given you some helpful insight into my sustainable business practices (and maybe even some recommendations!)

I am always researching new ways to improve. So, if you have any suggestions on how to further this, I am always interested to hear your ideas! Please feel free to contact me!

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